Saturday, May 25, 2013

Tips for Saving $ on International Phone Usage

If you are like me, you don’t go many places without your phone, and I expect most of you are planning to take yours on our trip.  However, there are some precautionary measures you should also take to avoid a surprisingly high phone bill when you return home.  I’ve heard horror stories of travelers who rack up bills over $1,000!

Each phone company has its own guidelines, and you should always contact yours to get accurate information for your phone and your company’s billing procedures.  You will want to follow those procedures to keep data charges in check.  Most companies offer international data plans.

The same tips could apply to laptops and tablets if using apps that use a lot of data.  Turning data roaming off while traveling internationally blocks email, browsing, visual voicemail, and downloads, but it will not block text messages.  Roaming is when you are accessing a wireless carrier other than your own.

By default, the international data roaming function is turned off, but be sure to check your settings before traveling abroad.  International roaming rates apply when you send text, photo, or video messages.  In no time, you can rack up an expensive phone bill.

Some tips:
1.       Contact your phone company before departure.  Don’t assume you will have service.
2.      Turn on airplane mode to disable the wireless features.
3.      Take advantage of free wifi anywhere we have it.  Search the internet and send email and texts when it is free.
4.      Avoid uploading photos unless you have free wifi.
5.      Make sure your charger will work in all 4 countries and have a voltage converter and correct plug.
6.      There are some great travel apps but using them could incur expensive roaming fees.
7.      If there is information from the internet that you think you might want to access (currency rates, sightseeing info, maps) simply copy and paste them to the notes feature of your phone which does not use data when accessed.

I will take my phone but I don’t plan to use it except for emergencies and will buy a minimum data international plan for those emergency calls.

I recommend the following sites to learn more about using iPhones and other technical devices economically on international trips.

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