Saturday, May 25, 2013

Country Calling Codes

When making an international phone call, it is necessary to use an exit code and country code before the number you are calling.  

The country code TO the US is 1, but if you have family calling you FROM the U.S. to any of our destination countries, they must insert a different country code in front of the phone number or the hotel phone number: Germany – 49, Czech Republic – 420, Poland – 48, Hungary – 36. 

Below is an easy table to use including the exit code and country code for calls in both directions.  Be sure to share it with family.

From US to Germany – 011 + 49 + (number)
From US to Czech Republic – 011 + 420 + (number)
From US to Poland – 011 + 48 +  (number)
From US to Hungary – 011 + 36 + (number)
From any country to US – 00 + 1 + (number)

Our tour director says that if a family member wishes to reach you on your cell phone, they do not need to dial the country code though, just your cell mobile number. They then get automatically forwarded to the roaming service and the receiver pays the charge.

Dialing the country code is necessary when someone from the U.S. calls a local number in that country, e.g. the hotel room.

However, please remember that extensive use of your cell phone overseas could result in excessively large phone bills when you return from roaming data charges.  See the blog post on Tips for Saving $ on International Phone Usage.

An easy way to save money on phone calls is to use the ekit phonecard for travelers provided by EF.  You get up to 5 minutes free talk time with the card you received.  If you like, you can recharge the card before you go for more minutes and receive a $5 bonus.  Please see the details on the card.  I have used one before and it is easy to use with the directions right on the card.

Another way to keep in touch would be email and Skype, especially with the use of free wifi.

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