Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Painted Churches of Texas - Ammannsville

St. John the Baptist Church

One of the beautiful country churches on the Painted Churches of Texas tour is in Ammannsville, settled by both German and Czech immigrants in the 1870s.  St. John the Baptist Catholic Church is called the “pink church” because the entire interior is painted a soft pastel pink.

Front Altar
The first church, built in 1890, was destroyed by an inland hurricane in 1909.  The second church built in 1910 was destroyed by fire in 1917, but six statues and a crucifix were saved from the fire.  This second church was very ornate inside and out, built in a highly Victorian style.

The present church, built in 1919, is the third in this location and was built in a much simpler design on the outside.  However when you enter, your eyes feast on a richly decorated white altar set against a rose colored background. 

The "Pink Church" at Ammannsville 
Stained Glass Window
The ceilings are a relatively simple stencil pattern with more ornate decoration on the walls. Legend says that an unknown itinerant artist painted the walls of the church, however research has shown that decorative painter Fred Donnecker is responsible for the artistry back in 1919.

It also features stained glass windows and faux marble columns painted to resemble the real thing. 

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