Thursday, June 4, 2009

Ferry to Portsmouth

Passports says that generally they use the Brittanny Ferry for their tours that will take us from Caen, France to Portsmouth, England. Scroll down to "Caen - Portsmouth" and look on June 21.

You will see on the day-to-day itinerary there is much to see and do on June 21 before departing France, so chances are we are on one of the later ferries that looks to be leaving around 4:30 p.m. and arriving 5-6 hours later in Portsmouth. At least that is what the schedule suggests.

That would be the Mont St Michel channel cruise ferry with a ship diagram. It has 2 cinemas, a bureau de change (to change money), 460 reclining seats, restaurant, self service food, bar, among other amenities. Shopping is also available and they accept either euros or British pounds.

On this day, lunch will be provided and we are on our own for dinner on the ferry.

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